The Harvey Medical Society is here to help better the lives of students in the Harvey community and we know that it is never easy.
- Studying Medicine
- Moving to another country
- Keeping up with all the exams
These are not simple tasks and we all need support. We all could use someone to talk to.
With that in mind, we offer you a free platform to do so.
Listed below are volunteers from the specialty in Psychiatry (the therapy sessions will be of a Psychological nature) who have each offered their time for this purpose.
If you feel in need of assistance or if you just want to talk to somebody – we urge you to contact them directly (to assure anonymity) and schedule a meeting in the Cascina Cravino (Via Agostino Bassi 21).
The therapists:
Dr. Francesca Acerbi
Email: francesca.acerbi01@universitadipavia.it
Available: By appointment
Dr. Miki Bonizzoni
Email: miki.bonizzoni01@universitadipavia.it
Phone: 339/2031140
Available: By appointment
Dr. Guido Nosari
Email: guido.nosari01@universitadipavia.it
Phone: 393/4904364
Available: Thursdays afternoon
Dr. Benedetto Di Marco
Email: benedetto.dimarco01@universitadipavia.it
Available: Thursdays afternoon
Dr. Federica Calorio
Email: federica.calorio01@universitadipavia.it
Available: Fridays afternoon
Dr. Cristina Catania
Email: cristinagrazia.catania01@universitadipavia.it
Phone: 340/4891211
Available: Mondays afternoon
Dr. Irene Famularo
Email: irenefamularo@gmail.com
Available: afternoons, except Thursdays
Dr. Lucia Di Maggio
Email: lucia.dimaggio01@universitadipavia.it
Phone: 333/9763064
Available: Afternoons, except Wednesdays
* Another available option is offered by Harvey’s own, Gözde Utan: She is an experienced professional practitioner of the Grinberg method (you can read more about it here.)
Gözde volunteers her time for free but will charge 10 euros to cover the renting cost of the clinic.
Email: goezde.utan01@universitadipavia.it
Website: www.gozdeutan.com