MedSoc 2020-21 Committee Candidature Application
Dear Harvey students.
We hope to find you well in these hard times.
❗ This past year has been especially difficult for all of us, and Harvey MedSoc was not immune to the pandemic and its effects. We had to cancel all the events that we had planned for 2020, and we had to undergo a deep restructuring of the General Committee. Most of our members were left with little to nothing to organize and very tight room for re-invention of our activities. That is why, in unanimous accordance with all the past committee members, we have decided to make some changes in this year’s applications, positions, and, ultimately, elections. We have decided to grant another term to all the past committee members that wish to stay in MedSoc, as an exclusive measure to avoid finding ourselves in the serious position to have vacant seats. To all of us, it seemed fair to give all those that wanted to stay a second chance to prove their worth.
? Do not be mistaken though, MedSoc needs you now more than ever. We are looking for strongly motivated new members to form the 2020-2021 Harvey MedSoc Committee: together, we will work to bring all Harvey students the same fun and interesting activities that we brought you in the last years. For this reason, the vacant positions that you can apply for are: Vice President, General Secretary, Social Secretary, Academic Secretary, PR Secretary. As every year, the whole application and voting procure will be conducted 100% online, as will be most of the events and meetings as long as the situation stays the same.
?For you to be even more included, we have also decided to accept all applicants to form a General Committee, regardless if they are ultimately elected or not. The General Committee will help organize all our activities, aiding the Executive Committee in their job. This will also allow you to approach a position that you are interested in, understand how it works, and have an extra boost in next year’s Committee.
?? WE NEED YOU! We need you to improve the academic and extra-academic life of Harvey students; we need you to organize the same fun, interesting and inclusive events that Harvey MedSoc has always been known to organize; we need you, but the Harvey community needs you even more, to start new platforms and activities to look forward to in these tough times.
? WHO can apply? Every Harvey student from years 2nd-6th is eligible to apply for a position and vote. 1st years will have their separate position (1st Year Representative) and voting rounds.
✍? APPLY at the link below. Applications will close on Wednesday, November 4th at 11:59 pm.
? If you have any questions or doubts, DM us or email us at contact@harveymedsoc.org