Narrative Ethics and Patient’s Experience in Health Care
It is with great pleasure that we announce that another marvelous seminar will enrich the first weeks of this new Academic Year. On October 11th at 5 p.m. we will have the privilege to meet Martha Montello, from Harvard Medical School, at the Almo Collegio Borromeo.
She is a great bioethicist and philosopher; this seminar gives us the opportunity to meet one of the minds that are currently shaping our society.
We believe in the power of sharing ideas in order to grow and thrive, as doctors-to-be and as human beings. Professor Montello will speak about Narrative Ethics and the Patient’s experience in Health Care.
In a time of powerful diagnostic algorithms and personalized medicine with a strong genetic approach, we tend to forget the importance of direct, human contact between the patients and their doctors. Professor Montello is going to be here to remind us not to do so, because every patient has a story and it is our duty to understand it.